Elementary Resources
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Language Arts/Reading
ABC Mouse - Self-paced online curriculum
Adventure Academy - Learning through games and videos
Calvert Homeschool - K-2 - printed curriculum & 3-12 - online curriculum
Epic - Digital book subscription service
GamED Academy - Learning with Minecraft
Outschool - Live online classes
Reading IQ - Digital library
Read Works - Free reading comprehension curriculum
Streamable Learning - Interactive livestreams & recorded webinars
Teachers Pay Teachers - Digital and printable resources
The Good and the Beautiful- Textbook based curriculum that emphasizes family, God, high character, nature, and wholesome literature.
Time 4 Learning - Self-paced online curriculum
Turtle Diary - Games, videos, & printables
Ultimate Guide to Free Reading and Literacy Resources - Games, Read along & virtual story time, general reading, & writing
ABC Mouse - Self-paced online curriculum
Adventure Academy - Learning through games and videos
CTC Math - Full math curriculum
Calvert Homeschool - K-2 - printed curriculum & 3-12 - online curriculum
GamED Academy - Learning with Minecraft
Math Pup - Games by grade level or by skill.
Mathematician, Jr. - This site offers workbooks, downloadable worksheets, flashcards, and the opportunity to join a math club.
Outschool - Live online classes
Practical Money Skills - Financial education lesson plans & games
Prodigy - Game based learning
Streamable Learning - Interactive livestreams & recorded webinars
Study Jams - Interactive activities using videos, music and songs, step-by-step math instruction, or slideshows
Sumdog - Learning through games.
Teachers Pay Teachers - Digital and printable resources
The Good and the Beautiful- Textbook based curriculum that emphasizes family, God, high character, nature, and wholesome literature.
Time 4 Learning- Self-paced online curriculum
Turtle Diary - Games, videos, & printables
Zapzapmath - Math games
ABC Mouse - Self-paced online curriculum
Adventure Academy - Learning through games and videos
Calvert Homeschool - K-2 - printed curriculum & 3-12 - online curriculum
Excavating Adventures - At-home and digital excavation kits
Fossil & Fang Exotics - They offer a Critter Class and a Fossil Class: Paleontology 101
GamED Academy - Learning with Minecraft
I Know Dino - Dinosaur podcasts, lesson plans, books, and museum information.
Kiwi Co - Science subscription box.
Outschool - Live online classes
Steve Spangler Science - Science experiment subscription boxes.
Streamable Learning - Interactive livestreams & recorded webinars
Study Jams - Interactive activities using videos, music and songs, or slideshows
Teachers Pay Teachers - Digital and printable resources
Techie Homeschool Mom - Self-paced online unit studies
The Good and the Beautiful - Textbook based curriculum that emphasizes family, God, high character, nature, and wholesome literature.
The Homeschool Scientist - Experiments & printables
Time 4 Learning - Self-paced online curriculum
Turtle Diary - Games, videos, & printables
Zip School - Interactive free classes.
Social Studies
ABC Mouse - Self-paced online curriculum
Adventure Academy - Learning through games and videos
Calvert Homeschool - K-2 - printed curriculum & 3-12 - online curriculum
GamED Academy - Learning with Minecraft
Outschool - Live online classes
Sea History For Kids - Learn about ships, sailors, pirates, animals, marine art, archeology, and careers.
Streamable Learning - Interactive livestreams & recorded webinars
Teachers Pay Teachers - Digital and printable resources
Techie Homeschool Mom - Self-paced online unit studies
The Good and the Beautiful - Textbook based curriculum that emphasizes family, God, high character, nature, and wholesome literature.
Time 4 Learning - Self-paced online curriculum
Turtle Diary - Games, videos, & printables